Friday, December 10, 2010

Research Paper on Pablo Picasso

Picasso is a very well known man. He is considered to be the 20th century’s best artist. He is also a very interesting man with a great background life. He has done and achieved many amazing things in his life time. All this would lead to why he would be included in the book Speak.
Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 25, 1881. His full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso. Don José Ruiz Blasco and Doña Maria Picasso y Lopez were the parents of Picasso. He had two sisters Dolorès "Lola" born in 1884 and Concepción "Conchita" born in 1887. Unfortunately Picasso passed on April 8, 1973 in Mougins, France when he was 92 years old. He was buried on the grounds of his Chateau Vauvenargues.
When Picasso painted he had a different periods- blue period and a rose period. For about three years in his early twenties, he used mostly light blue colors (blue period) in his paintings. The rose period came after the blue period. It began after he moved from Spain to France. Because he could work in multiple styles this is how he became so popular. He also used great lines and color in his paintings. Some of his most well known pieces were Guernica, Three Musicians, The Three Dancers, and Self Portrait: Yo Picasso.


In his life time Picasso painted 20,000 paintings. He was an inventor of shapes also. Picasso`s art work is also in many museums around the world. You can also find them on post cards, possibly T-shirts and in private art collections. Picasso accomplished inventing a type of art called Cubism in 1907. I believe Cubism is one of the many styles that created Picasso’s fame.
Picasso Likes art and tries to express his feelings through art. I believe this is the allusion between Picasso and Speak. In Speak Melinda had many bottled up feelings about her bad experiences and portrays them in her art projects. The Symbol the book uses for her feelings is a tree. In the book she uses Cubism, which Picasso created, to draw the tree in art class.
Guitar & Violin By Picasso in 1912 (example of Cubism )

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