Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Date Rape paper

Date Rape is when an unauthorized sexual action occurs. This can happen between friends, boy friend and girl friend, or even family. This situation is usually when one or more people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many date rapes are unreported due to the fact they were under illegal drugs or underage drinking. The victims are most of the time always unsure if it was rape and blame the incident on other things.
Often times many victims seek help from a consoler. Although they are seeing a therapist it is not that easy to rid the pain or trauma.  There are online sources to help you find a therapist or consoler, such as There are many websites like this that can help you find local therapy groups or sessions for your specific problems. Also there is 1-800-FYI-CALL which is a date rape hotline where victims can talk to other victims or someone that can help them.
Many victims refer to other victims for help and support. There are also websites for communication blogs, chats, and forums. A website I think is a good communication site is or victims can relate and have a connection from their experiences.  I believe this is the most helpful thing in the healing process.

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