Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pictures realated to " SPEAK" & "DATE RAPE"

The Suffragettes

The suffragettes was a group of women’s who were fighting for the right to vote. This group was led by Emmeline Pankhurst. They were fighting for their equal rights. sometimes it was led to violent fights. Emmeline was the daughter of Robert Goulden, she was born in Manchester in 1858. She came from a radical political belief family. Her mom started taking her to suffrage meetings in the early 1870’s. The suffragettes started in 1903 after parliament voted against women gaining the vote.

The suffragettes would fit in the book speak because, the girls back then that were part of the group, they felt like they weren’t being heard. that’s exactly how Melinda feels , she feels like people don’t see what’s really inside of her. They see the act she puts on. Also the suffragettes fought for what they believe in and they spoke there minds. They also made sure their opinions got heard even if they had to do it the hard way, like violence. Witch is what Melinda wanted to do, witch was speak up, and to be heard.

In conclusion the whole point of the suffragettes was to be treated equally and for their voice to be heard. So was Melinda’s in the book speak. So this how they are alike. The only way for people to no how u truly feel is if u speak up. Don’t be afraid speak and let your voice be heard.

Pictures realated to " SPEAK" & "DATE RAPE"

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne he was born july,1804 in Salem Massachusetts into the sixth generation of his Salem family. Being the son Nathaniel was idolize by his mother and tow sisters. He attended Bowdoin college from 1821 - 1825. His refusal to participate in public speaking prevented his achievements of an outstanding academic record but he was good standing. The years 1825 - 1837 Nathaniel lived with is mother’s Salem household. During those years he spent his time in a haunted room , during the “ solitary years ” he learned how to write tales and unique sketches . The book “ the scarlet letter” was writing by him in October 23, 1999.
The reason why I think Nathaniel Hawthorne would be included in speak is because growing up was hard for him. He lost his father when he was four years old. Also when growing up He profoundly affected by the puritans persecution of innocent people during the new England witch hunt , because his ancestor john Hawthorne was the chief magistrate in the trials that led to death of 20 people. So people looked at him differently do to that. The reason why I think he would fit good in the book is because him and Melinda were being pointed on for acting different and were being called names, and it took them a while to speak up for themselves and Nathaniel and Melinda were both talented in there own ways. In the end they both end up having a good life , Melinda ends up having good friends old ones and new ones, and so did Nathaniel he end up meeting some really good friends in college.
In conclusion Nathaniel Hawthorne had 3 kids and had been married To Sophia Peabody. Well I hope u enjoyed the little short summary of Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the comparison between him and Melinda from speak.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Biology: Seeds Trees Germination

Seed tree germination is the basic stage of seeds growing into a tree. In order for a seed to grow it needs oxygen, water and temperature to germinate. They also need the right amount of the proper light. Some seeds can germinate in a lot of light and other seeds need the darkness to germinate. Water is one of the key things seeds need to germinate because it helps the seeds metabolism. You need temperature as much as you need the water. The temperature will be different with each type of seed. It is important to give the seed the right amount of water and temperature or it will affect the germination process.
            Seed tree germination is included in Speak because the trees start as a seed and eventually will germinate into a small or big tree. Melinda was like this after the incident had happen. She did not talk to anyone and then as people tried to talk to her then people realized something was wrong. At the end she was heard and people started to understand what had happened and she started to open up a little. So just like the tree she went from very small and quiet into a more talkative person then before.
            So in conclusion seed tree germination is the basic stage of seeds going into a small or big tree. The three main things seeds need to germinate are oxygen, water and temperature. If the seeds do not get the right amount they will not germinate the right way. Seed tree germination is in the book because Melinda is like a tree. She is like a tree because she became very quiet and small to everyone around her. Then after people heard her, people believed her and she came out of her shell and became like a tree.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an illness that people can get from different terrible events. People who are or were living through or experiencing a traumatic event would have this. You feel stressed and you don’t want to do anything. People with past traumatic stress disorder may have flashbacks, can’t sleep, feeling alone, have angry outbursts, and have different feelings. You can be any age and have post traumatic stress disorder. People who have this tend to avoid certain things. They avoid people and other things that will make them remember the event.
            There are three different types of therapy solutions. One way is a behavior therapy which teaches you to relax and how to cope with the event that occurred. The second way is cognitive therapy which helps people to learn how to think positive and not negative thoughts. The third way is a group therapy which gives people the chance to talk to other people that know what it’s like and they know what they are talking about. The group therapy helps more people with their problems then any of the other therapies. People can contact different places. One place people can contact is called National Coalition Against Sexual Assault. You can contact them with the following information, phone: 717-728-9764. Another place people can contact is called PTSD Information Hotline. You can call this number 802-296-6300 and you can get information about post traumatic stress disorder. You can communicate with people that have the same problem as you. You can talk to them on the phone. Also you can talk to them by writing letters. Finally you can communicate with people by meeting somewhere and talking.
            People that have post traumatic stress disorder have a harder time getting through life. It’s harder for them because they went through something terrible and it can’t be taken back once it is done and over with except for the person it happened to. Nobody in the world should have to deal with post traumatic stress disorder because some people can’t handle all the pressure. Also people that have post traumatic stress disorder have a harder time getting along with other people because they are scared. Another reason why it is harder for people that have it to get along with other people is because they don’t want to hear or see anything that will bring back the memory of what happened. Finally people with this have more difficulties than other people that don’t have it because those people are more nervous and scared to do anything.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

mixed media art

This represents the book Speak because the tree looks dead and after Melinda got raped she felt dead to everyone. Everyone looks at her strangely now.

Date Rape paper

Date Rape is when an unauthorized sexual action occurs. This can happen between friends, boy friend and girl friend, or even family. This situation is usually when one or more people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Many date rapes are unreported due to the fact they were under illegal drugs or underage drinking. The victims are most of the time always unsure if it was rape and blame the incident on other things.
Often times many victims seek help from a consoler. Although they are seeing a therapist it is not that easy to rid the pain or trauma.  There are online sources to help you find a therapist or consoler, such as There are many websites like this that can help you find local therapy groups or sessions for your specific problems. Also there is 1-800-FYI-CALL which is a date rape hotline where victims can talk to other victims or someone that can help them.
Many victims refer to other victims for help and support. There are also websites for communication blogs, chats, and forums. A website I think is a good communication site is or victims can relate and have a connection from their experiences.  I believe this is the most helpful thing in the healing process.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou
            Maya Angelou was born Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis, Missouri on April 4, 1928. She is an author, poet, historian, songwriter, play writer, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. In 1959, at the request of Dr. Martin King Jr., Maya Angelou became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1993, she wrote and delivered a poem “On The Pulse of the Morning,” at the inauguration for resident Bill Clinton at his request. Maya Angelou was twice nominated for a Tony award for acting: once for her Broadway debut in Look Away (1973) and again for her performance in Roots (1977). She was the first black woman director in Hollywood, Maya Angelou has written, directed, and starred in production for stage, film, and television.
            Maya Angelou is included in this book because when she was 7 years old she was sexually molested by her mom’s boyfriend, while visiting her. She was 13 years old when she first said something about the incident. It took her six years to bring it up to anyone. I believe that because of this incident, this is why she is in Speak because her and Melinda can connect. They can connect because it took a while for both of them to speak up. Also they can connect because they both were raped when they were young so they both share some of the same feelings against people. This is why Maya Angelou is included in this book.
            So inclusion Maya Angelou is an author, poet, historian, songwriter, play writer, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. People like Dr Marin Luther King Jr. and Bill Clinton requested that Maya Angelou become the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and that she would write a poem and present it. Maya Angelou is included in this book because when she was younger she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Melinda and Maya Angelou have things in common with each other. First they both were raped when they were younger which messed up their lives a lot.  One way it messed up their lives is that they didn’t feel confident to talk to anyone.

Monday, December 13, 2010

~Secrets in the Darkness of my heart~ a poem about rape

I would like to stay a secret
Like walking in the dark
If no one knows you
No one cares
And No one breaks your heart*
But still sometimes I wonder,
Is it worth it to hide away
To be alone forever
With nobody to chase me down
And stay?
Should I step into the sunlight
Sit on a rock by the sea
Feel the warmth of the sun
Let someone in
To sit by me?
I’ve learned my lesson before
If I let them touch my soul
Forfeit my heart’s protection
Then they’ll break me apart
And it always takes its toll
So I won’t tell my name
I won’t go out in the day
Nobody will know me
Nobody will listen
Nobody will ask me to stay.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Bibliography for Picasso Paper

Works Cited
Jansen, Marten. "Pablo Picasso Cubism." Pablo Picasso Cubism. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
Moffat, Charles. "Pablo Picasso - The Most Famous Artist of the 20th Century - The Art History Archive." Pablo Picasso. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
"Pablo Picasso Biography - Life, Family, Children, Name, History, School, Mother, Son, Old, Information, Born, House, Time, Year, Achievements." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
"Pablo Picasso Biography - Life of Picasso." Artist Quotes - Art Quotes - Famous Artists - Fine Artists. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.

Research Paper on Pablo Picasso

Picasso is a very well known man. He is considered to be the 20th century’s best artist. He is also a very interesting man with a great background life. He has done and achieved many amazing things in his life time. All this would lead to why he would be included in the book Speak.
Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 25, 1881. His full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito Ruiz y Picasso. Don José Ruiz Blasco and Doña Maria Picasso y Lopez were the parents of Picasso. He had two sisters Dolorès "Lola" born in 1884 and Concepción "Conchita" born in 1887. Unfortunately Picasso passed on April 8, 1973 in Mougins, France when he was 92 years old. He was buried on the grounds of his Chateau Vauvenargues.
When Picasso painted he had a different periods- blue period and a rose period. For about three years in his early twenties, he used mostly light blue colors (blue period) in his paintings. The rose period came after the blue period. It began after he moved from Spain to France. Because he could work in multiple styles this is how he became so popular. He also used great lines and color in his paintings. Some of his most well known pieces were Guernica, Three Musicians, The Three Dancers, and Self Portrait: Yo Picasso.


In his life time Picasso painted 20,000 paintings. He was an inventor of shapes also. Picasso`s art work is also in many museums around the world. You can also find them on post cards, possibly T-shirts and in private art collections. Picasso accomplished inventing a type of art called Cubism in 1907. I believe Cubism is one of the many styles that created Picasso’s fame.
Picasso Likes art and tries to express his feelings through art. I believe this is the allusion between Picasso and Speak. In Speak Melinda had many bottled up feelings about her bad experiences and portrays them in her art projects. The Symbol the book uses for her feelings is a tree. In the book she uses Cubism, which Picasso created, to draw the tree in art class.
Guitar & Violin By Picasso in 1912 (example of Cubism )

I Remeber Poem about Rape

I remember the way it felt
when you where on top of me
It was like you controlled me
Your forced yourself in
So I gave up & let you win

I remember the way you looked at me
when I said NO
It was like you wanted to show you were in control
You pushed harder
and I tried to say no again
you covered my mouth
so I gave up & let you win.

I remember the sounds you made.
It was like you enjoyed it too much to care.
there were other people there
I should of yelled for them
But I was too ashamed; too afraid
they wouldn't believe me
Or say it was my fault
I remember everything you did
But don't worry your secrets safe
I'm still afraid.
Nobody will believe me
So I give up and I guess you win.

Poem Source: I Remember, Rape Poems

Mixed Media Art on rape

The photo above really spoke to me about going through life after rape and how to deal with the stress and/ or depression. The link below is the womens story along with many other stories and pictures that potray rape victims.

This potrays Date-Rape because it has storys also with many "pictures"  that are on the subject of rape.

Melinda's Video Playlist

Scream by Michael Jackson

Holy Water by Big and Rich

Angel by Sarah McLachlan

Firework by Katy Perry

Runaway Love by Ludacris

Poem about Date Rape(Faded Dream By: Dry Petals)

Faded Dream

A joke
a game
a score for him
turned my life
changing me forever.
maybe I wouldn't have stayed pure
but his deceit
was a dose of the devil
that spread through me
and not easily cured.

His hot sweaty body
muscular and heavy
weighed mine down
and blurred
my already drunk vision.
Telling me "hold tight"
taming my whimpers and squirms,
I closed my eyes in pain.

He took my innocence away
and who's to say
he regrets this day.
He was rewarded
for a piece of my life.
I may be bruised inside,
but growing strong
life me above
his poverty in spirit.
Alone I now find
a jewel so clear inside
that never really was taken.